Siddhivinayak. It's a name, which brings hope, faith and respect for people in Mumbai and across India. With a major Ganpati festival approaching, I couldn't help but write about Ganpati bappa, who has ruled the city of Mumbai like anything. Nothing auspicious starts without his blessings. He is there at the entrance of the home, on meters on autorickshaw, on every shelf of gift shop. Marriages don't take place without him. We have siddhivinayak sweets, shiddhivinayak refreshments and a friend of mine, Vaibhavi, told me they even have siddhivinayak dairy! No other God can even come close to the popularity which our dear Ganpati bappa enjoys.
The temple of Siddhivinayak is situated at Prabhadevi. Some of my friends and I from hostel, decided to visit this temple one Sunday early morning. We decided on early morning because there is usually a long queue of people to visit this temple. To avoid the crowd we met at 6:30 at the entrance of the temple. One of the first things that struck me when I visited Siddhivinayak temple was the security. A friend of mine, Rashmi, had written in her blog - "At times it makes you wonder, who is this security for...for God or for us?" The same feeling even I experienced! The sand bags, the long sophisticated rifles, men in uniform, made me wonder - Are we at the right place? As we move on, the shock of security is replaced by the shock of sudden arrival of people all around us trying to sell "chadhava". "Hain madam idhar se lo...chappal idhar hi utar do...idhar phool ache hain..." Totally confused I just stopped where I was standing and someone came and pushed a basket loaded with sweets, garlands and aggarbattis into our hand. I looked around as to whom I should pay and comes a reply "Aree madam lelo, paise baad mein dedena!!" but then there no such thing as free lunch in this world. After the required things have been bought, all those people who were surrounding us suddenly vanish. Surprised, I look around and notice that they have moved on to some other approaching people. Then I realize, our faith is their business.
After all this, we move on for actual darshan. There is maze of bamboo that we had to cross to get inside the temple. Once inside we saw a small queue of people moving slowly. We went and joined the queue. Moving slowly and in no hurry I realized, that there was absolutely no crowd and I felt happy about it as we won't have to fight for one glimpse of God. If I had come on a Tuesday, which is considered to be the day of Lord Ganesha, I would had to wait for hours before I could even place my feet in temple.
Once inside, it seemed we were totally cut of from the world out side, the world of heavy security, traffic and pollution. In one corner a small speaker is playing soft chants. There is faint smell of flowers and agarbattis. No one is shouting or screaming. Its surprising, even children are quite and following there parents. Faith does wonders to all. In front of me in the queue was a young couple. Wife was holding a cute little bundle in her arms. The child was very young and was fast asleep too. I looked at the child and wondered has this child come with the faith in God or the life he'l live will make him believe in Him.
Ultimately we arrive for what we had come. The Idol of Ganesha is in striking saffron color with a silver dhoti and a gold crown sitting beautifully on his head. Its said that its one of the rarest idol of Lord Ganesha as it has its trunk on the left side. It's so loaded with garlands that you can only see an innocent face. The idol shines in loads of lights and gold that surrounds it and the roof. Everything inside is beautifully decorated. Looking at the idol, I forgot everything. The idol, though lifeless, gave me hope. Hope not only for me but also for everyone I know. Felt as if something there was pulling out all the negative energy inside me. It seemed that the moment had stopped, but then someone from behind said softly "Keep Moving" and I realized that there are others waiting behind me. I gave one last look and prayed for everyone I know and moved on.
Coming out I saw small group of people gathered in a group and I couldn't help but smile. There in front of me, in the center of the crowd, sitting proudly facing Lord Ganesha is a silver mouse, known as vehicle for Lord Ganesha, in Sanskrit Mushak, in Hindi Vahan. People believe if you say something in its ear, it gets conveyed to Lord Ganesha. Old, young, student, employed or unemployed everyone was trying there luck. Do I call this escapism or faith? Do I call this a ritual or blind faith or superstition? I choose not to question this. I sat down quietly and watched people making their wish into the ear of the mouse. After a while it was time to go. We got up and having a last look at Lord Ganesha we came out feeling refreshed, calm and positive.
I know some people do not believe in God. Even I, at times find it difficult to believe in something that is made of lifeless stone or wood. May be my belief in God is because in today's world when everything is corrupt, bad and ugly I need one thing to hold on to, one thing to believe in. I know God cannot do miracles for me. But by believing in him, I get faith, hope, strength and belief in myself and I believe that if I want I can create miracles for myself.
[Ashish Savani]: Well I have myself been there a few times and believe me or not, there are lots of things which you tend to overlook, but while reading your account, I suddenly felt that yeah, all these movements where always there. It was that, we are so preoccupied with our own selves that it takes time to feel our surroundings.
You missed on the part where people walk all the way all nite from places as far as Vasai to Dadar to visit the temple... Reminds more of Eklingji temple near Udaipur ;-)
(Sorry but cant help going all the time sback to Udaipur :-))
Very good account of the actual scene. I haven't visited the temple so it was all the more interesting to know things about it.
I completely agree with your point of view and appreciate your sentiments. I have been there only once while my stay of almost two years and have felt the magic working, that too almost instantly. I so wish I could have visited the temple more times. Although I certainly do have plans in the future!
happy writing!
I still wonder that everywhere in India I heard the day for Lord Ganesha is Wednesday, then why it is on Tuesday at Siddhivinayak? Is there any reason behind this or just due to some tradition?
Yes, it is true that the faith in the people increasing rapidly for god. or the situation arising in front of everybody forcing them to do this....whatever be the reason but its good.
But as sometimes I feels parents are not giving right "Sanskar" to their child in some cases. You can see all type of activities there in/around temple. I just want to say that if anybody don't have time/faith then don't go there (at any religious place). The holy place is never be treated as picnic spot or just for time pass/fun. It hurts the feelings of other peoples. I never goes to temple on the so called designated day for the god like on Monday to Shiv Mandir, Tuesday to Hanuman Mandir..... just due to such reasons. You are standing in the long queue... some are gossiping...some criticizing about the temple board/administration....some young buds are there for their own personal reasons.... some are using that place for their business (either they are employed there or just for pick your pockets one and same thing)... I would like to use your sentence here "OUR FAITH IS THEIR BUSINESS". You can't ignore such things all the time. Commercialization of the temple is everywhere.... This scene is not for any specific place.
Om saha naavavatu sahanau bhunaktu
Saha veeryam karavaavahai
Tejasvi naavadheetamastu maa vidvishaavahai
Om shantih shantih shantih
Meaning: May He protect us both (teacher and the taught)! May He cause us both to enjoy the bliss of Mukti (liberation)! May we both exert to discover the true meaning of the sacred scriptures! May our studies be fruitful! May we never quarrel with each other! Let there be threefold peace.
Hey kritika,
pretty good narration of your visit to the temple. Totally agree with ur sentiments, especially about the feeeling that you have when u stand in front of the idol and pray. Believe me, every time i visit the temple, there are a hundred thoughts and worries going on in my mind, even when am standing the queue. But the moment, i enter the shrine and look at the idol, am totally blank and forget abt the worries and the pains that life has. Sitting there with my eyes closed and just praying, fills in so much of positive energy, that you come out of the temple with a feeling that you can face anything in life.
PJAchar- I enjoyed reading your experience at Sidhivinayak temple at Mumbai. I haven’t visited this temple yet, but am planning to do so during my visit to India, and I believe the trunk of lord Ganesh at Prabhadevi is orienting towards the right side (I think it is form the view point of the lord and not the onlooker) and that’s kinda a significant aspect there. More or less I sometimes have the same revelation on faith, and I want to believe that there is some one with whom you can tell all your issue and be in peace that the higher power will set all your ducks in row.
really enjoyed this article. U r right.. I too visited the temple recently and its really gr88 and by reading ur article, i recollect everything now..
Information about the temple Shree Siddhivinayak, Prabhadevi - Amazing Maharashtra
That place is truly a heaven on earth..:) if something gives you hope faith to continue no matter what the odds are shouldn't we hold on to it?
It's a must visit plc :)
That place is truly a heaven on earth..:) if something gives you hope faith to continue no matter what the odds are shouldn't we hold on to it?
It's a must visit plc :)
That place is truly a heaven on earth..:) if something gives you hope faith to continue no matter what the odds are shouldn't we hold on to it?
It's a must visit plc :)
That place is truly a heaven on earth..:) if something gives you hope faith to continue no matter what the odds are shouldn't we hold on it?
It's a must visit plc :)
Well I have myself been there many times and I feel, people have created a fad out of it without understanding the true meaning of it. I have tried to bring this up in my blog:
Nice and informative post on Sidhivinayak temple. Devotees visit the temple with lot of hopes and faith. Its one of the most famous temple of India. Check Siddhivinayak Temple timing before planning a visit.
The information provided by you is very useful for me. to know more about the same you can also visit our website ReligiousKart.com here you can intimate about the timings and the History of the Siddhi Vinayak Mandir.
What an accurate narration, I could visualize each and every point you made! I felt so much happiness and positivity. Thank You for writing this!
Hii there
Nice blog
Guys you can visit here to know more
Siddhivinayak Temple in Mumbai
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