Tuesday, February 28, 2006

I am a Rebel.

In last few days, some incidents have greatly affected the way I think and perceive people around me. They all mean different things to different people, but this what they mean to me.

Raang De Basanti -

A movie, which didn't remain a just a movie for me. When I went to see the movie I went with a free mind, thinking it to be one of the lot, which comes out of Bollywood these days. When I came out after watching the movie, I was totally shaken up. For me the movie was not about how Aamir khan and his friends took the decision to kill a high profile minister. It was not about why commandos were sent to kill young college students who were already repenting for what they did. Its was not even about MIG pilots getting killed and the govt not taking the responsibility but is ready to wash its hands off by making a patriotic dead pilot a scape goat for its mistakes. The movie was about ME. I am like what Aamir and friends were like in movie. I always have fun in life, while I easily blame these corrupt politicians for everything that is going wrong in my country. I blame corruption but if my work has to be done in a slow govt office I always try to find a short way out. I make face at the garbage on the street but wouldn't think twice before throwing something on the street. I blame the bad traffic everywhere but while I am driving I don't even follow lanes properly. Its no use blaming the politicians, because we elected them. We have to correct ourselves first before we blame others.

Cartoon of Muhammad -

There is a world over staging of protest for this cartoon. I always wondered, what could have been so drastic that people have come out on streets to protest over a cartoon. Out of those thousands people who came out on streets to protest, how many of them have actually seen the cartoon? I searched on google (I am hard core googlian) and found the following link. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jyllands-Posten_Muhammad_cartoons. You can yourself see it and don't worry no one is going blow you up with a bomb for seeing it. Yes, that's what I want to talk about, the fear of these religious fanatics. Which religion preaches the killing of innocent people? Which religion preaches violence? Yet you find that in the name of religion these people are killing innocent people, giving guns in young hands, creating rifts between peace loving people. The cartoon talks about what Islam is doing to world. Well, I want to talk about every religion here. Every religion is going corrupt. As they say "Power corrupts everyone". We have given power to religion and has corrupted it too and to such an extent that the same religion which used to tell us to respect life, in today's time kills without any reason. I refuse to believe in such a religion and refuse to respect those who preach such a thing.

The Jassica Lal Case -

"Would the accused please stand up!".
He doesn't.
"Would the eye-witness please stand up!".
He isn't there.
At this point a voice say - "Would you please take the blind lady out of the court, we don't need her anymore!".

Whether is Jassica Lal or Best Bakery Case or Tandoori Kaand, politics has guaranteed the release of the accused. I read the polls done by news papers asking people who would stand up to a case like Jassica Lal. All the newspapers are going crazy over her case. They say "Justice delayed is Justice denied". There are debates over who is right and who is wrong. One of my friend even said that all these cases, which are politically motivated have women involved. Every one of us has something to say. Anyone of you remember, Damini, the movie. The wife has to give her statement against her bother-in-law. The family tries everything right from emotional blackmail to kicking her out of the house. Why? Just because she decides to stand for the truth. Even then she stands up and gives her statement which the only truth and nothing else but the truth. Three hours movie is over and everyone goes home. Well, for all of us, our life is not a three our movie. I don't blame those who go free after putting pressure on people. Everyone wants to live. Why should they be blamed when we ourselves don't have the guts to stand against them. We are scared for our lives, our family and our children and until we have that fear, people in power would always find a way to escape and even return to normal lives. As they say "Ones weakness is someone else's strength".


Anonymous said...

I see you are getting quite upset about a lot of things and you know my stand on them as we keep discussing them all day. I guess one of the biggest problem with us is that we don't want to to take any responsibility. We are only too aware of our rights but we turn a blind eye to our responsibilities. As far as Manu Sharma is concerned, he is not the only one, don't you remember Navjyot Singh Siddhu killing a man at a rail-road crossing in Patiala and walking free, or OJ SImpson being aquitted after commiting two murders.

Savy said...

For RDB, you took my thoughts and put on paper/blog...

Good one, but do try and take it beyond words to some more reality...

All the best!

Anonymous said...

True these incidents make an impression on our mind. But for how long ? That is the question that has to be answered. A cop raped a girl at marine lines. There was a hue and cry over the incident. The police station was pulled down. Most television channels zoomed and cashed out of it. A few weeks later, the citizens build a new police station. What happened to the case? And the hue and cry ? We all are suffering. Suffering from short term amnesia. We keep forgetting what happened in the near past. And did u resolve to stand up for the right and fight for what is not right. No 'kitten', no one ever did that. These movies just instil a fresh breath in you, in me, in everyone who saw the movie. Till the day we all gather the gut and view india as a large democracy.....lets us enjoy RDB in the movie hall.

Anonymous said...

very well written. but its just a movie no one really gonna do anything about it. no one is going to start first. i think this is what life is all about blaming each other but if i get a chance i like to do something but i don't even switch off the ligth when i am out of my room so no sence is there.ritz

Anonymous said...

Very well said. But sadly this will also end in academic debate like this and nothing else. What will make a difference is our attitude, small actions go a long way, even things like throwing a gum wrapper in the dust bin and not on the road (hope u remember the incident at fatehsagar). We should do it and get others to do it and I am sure soon things will change.
But dont stop writing, even getting people to think about it a small atep towards realizing a bigger dream.
Love to read your thoughts.